Templeton residents will meet with the city council this month to seek feedback on what they would like to see on the site if the cemetery and sports park goes ahead.
The city council is planning to transform two-thirds of 100ha of land it owns into a cemetery and zone the rest of it into a sports park.
But is still yet to go through a resource consent and public consultation process.
City council’s head of parks Andrew Rutledge said it wants to get feedback from the Templeton community about what they would like to see on the site if the cemetery and sports park went ahead.
Mr Rutledge said it has considered how the township’s roading infrastructure will be impacted if the developments go ahead, but want to get early input from residents.
“As such, we currently have no firm designs for the site that allow us to quantify the expected changes to Templeton, the roading infrastructure or how we will address these changes,” he said.
But he said once the community has consulted and finalised its discussions with adjacent landowners it will be in a position to design the development in a manner which minimises the impact on Templeton.
It comes as Fulton Hogan is also planning to open a large quarry at Maddisons, Jones, Curraghs and Dawsons Rd.
Templeton Residents’ Association treasurer Jolene Eagar said it is about working through what the developments will mean for the township.
“The quarry is already a huge concern for us. If it is going to add more traffic, how are they going to handle the high volumes, they are already struggling with congestion,” she said.
Latest traffic figures show Main South Rd – at the Halswell Junction Rd end there is about 19,000 vehicles using the road daily.
•The public meeting will be held at the Templeton Community Centre on October 14.