Both properties have a land area of more than 4ha, the one he is currently living in has four bedrooms, five bathrooms, an indoor swimming pool and spa.
Sitting mayor Lianne Dalziel is also moving into the central city. She is currently moving out of her house in Burwood and plans to move into a central city apartment within the next two to three weeks.
Mr Park said he was sad to leave Yaldhurst but excited to move into the central city.
“It will be sad, I have some family members buried in Yaldhurst cemetery, it has been a big part of my adult life, I lived all my adult life in Yadlhurst but hey, it is another chapter in the book of life.
He said his two children leaving home also played a role in the decision to downsize.
The Christchurch businessman who co-owns Fat Eddies, Original Sin and Kong with Oxford Tce kingpin Max Bremner made the surprise announcement he would be running for the mayoralty last month.
He and his wife Susie were excited to return to apartment living.
“My wife and I got engaged in the Middle East during the Gulf War of 1990 and she was living in an apartment there and I was doing a contract in Jordan. I actually got engaged kneeling in the Dead Sea at the lowest point on earth, 400m below sea level.”