Performers to take to the streets

Pretty Gay Productions members (from left) Lisa Wilkinson, Brendan Kydd and Hahna Briggs are...
Pretty Gay Productions members (from left) Lisa Wilkinson, Brendan Kydd and Hahna Briggs are returning for a challenging yet celebratory street event. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Eleven years after they took to the streets of Dunedin with Queer Deportment, dancers Lisa Wilkinson, Brendan Kydd and Hahna Briggs are back for a reimagined outing of their absurd, joyful yet challenging celebration of dance.

The trio have been commissioned to create an accessible outdoor work as part of City Moves 2024, with funding from the Dunedin City Council.

There will be four chances for the public to enjoy the free performances this Saturday, April 20: at the St Clair Esplanade at 10.30am, Meridian Mall at 12.30pm, George St at 2pm and The Octagon at 6pm.