‘Tiger’s Apprentice’ one for kids

It is now the second week of the school holidays, so what better to do than go to the movies?

If you were looking for something to do with the kids during the holidays, pop on down to the St James Theatre and have a view of The Tiger’s Apprentice.

As a movie designed for kids, they will get a lot of joy out of it.

The story follows a boy called Tom Lee, who has discovered he’s part of a long lineage of magical protectors known as the Guardians.

With the help of a mythical tiger and other warriors, he has trained to take on an evil force called Loo, played Michelle Yeoh.

It was a film I could clearly see the flaws and fun in, but in all fairness, I am not the target audience.

The voice acting was questionable at some stages and the story appeared to be really rushed in only an hour and a-half.

A cover of Eye of the Tiger in the end credits was certainly an interesting choice.

The animation was not the best when compared to movies like Across the Spider Verse but I loved the animation of the Tiger.

Also the human form of the Dragon was pretty amazingly drawn along with the Rat.

However, this film suffers the same fate of every other movie these days — undercooked.

But despite this, if you wanted a great film to check out in the school holidays, I’d recommend this.