Christchurch's Arts Centre is 'Off Centre'

After a 13 year absence, the Christchurch Arts Centre has celebrated its return to being an entertainment venue once more.

The recent ‘Off Centre Festival’ was an extravagant spectacle of the arts, doubling as a showcase of the extensive renovations and redevelopments at the Centre.

Chris Archer, Creative Director of The Arts Centre, said the title was a nod to the impact of Christchurch's earthquakes, and acknowledges the venue's history prior to the big upheaval.

"Off Centre... It also plays on the term, being offstage/onstage kind of thing", he said.

"And it's The Arts Centre. And I suppose because a number of the acts are outside of what you'd call the mainstream."

Juggler Paul Klaass with one of the Twisty Twinz. Photo: John Sprudle
Juggler Paul Klaass with one of the Twisty Twinz. Photo: John Sprudle
The Off Centre Festival was possible, now that 20 of the 22 stone buildings damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes have been restored.

A tour of the previously divided areas was a major focus of the event.  Those areas are now connected by a new corridor between the east and west ends of the complex.

Those spaces provided outdoor stages for a range of live arts performances and demonstrations of local talent, enjoyed by an appreciative crowd.

"It's great to see the old building restored and back into use", said one man.  "And great use of our heritage in Christchurch."

There's still more work to be done to complete the job, as the giant project to rebuild and refurbish the city's Arts Centre continues.

 - John Spurdle, Public Interest Journalism Fund