Pump track opened at Rolleston primary school

Seven years after opening, West Rolleston Primary School has finally managed to build its new pump track.

The track contains a looped sequence of rollers, berms and swoopy-banked turns for bike riders.

The whole school, plus a large number of parents, supporters and sponsors, turned out for the track’s offical opening. 

Principal Sylvia Fidow thanked all those responsible for bringing the dream to fruition, noting the hard work of the school’s PTA, the support of the community at sausage sizzles and discos, and the generous donations of a number of  “super sponsors”.

Fidow said the pump track is all about getting kids in the community outside to enjoy the track.

She says the track is challenging and will help those using it to become resilient and stay really active - “which is what we all want for our kids.” 

The track is open outside of school hours to the whole community. Fidow said she was looking forward to everyone using the track respectfully.