When the doors open to its new senior campus in January, the school will be based on two sites in Belfast, with years 1 to 4 at the original site on 700 Main North Rd and years 5 to 8 at the new site on 1B Treedale St.
The sites are not two separate schools, but rather co-locations and will still operate under one principal and one board.
“Our vision ‘navigating a successful future together’ will be enhanced by amazing spaces and new resources that will enable our tamariki to thrive and grow.
“We are looking forward to growing our partnership with our neighbours, Pītau-Allenvale School.”
The uniform will not change, both junior and senior students will continue collaborating, and year 7 and 8 students from Pūtahi Belfast will continue attending Breens Intermediate for their technology education.
Refurbishment of the junior site began on September 25 and includes a new classroom block, a multi-purpose hall, a football field, an indoor basketball court and adventure playground.
Said Elley: “I am hugely excited, it’s been a long process, and now, we can just see everything sitting in place.
“The new campus will be ready and open for the first time to parents and students holding interviews on January 31, though we predict construction to be fully completed before Christmas.”