We will know today what we are going to be able to do under alert level 2.
That should, and must mean, more businesses are able to open, particularly retail and hospitality.
The Government has navigated us through the Covid-19 scare from a health perspective very well.
But has it been too tough in not allowing some business and industry to get up and operating in some form again in level 3? Quite possibly.
I have been hearing many stories from people who say they could have safely worked and operated under level 3 – even level 4 – but in spite of pleas to do so they struck brick walls.
Most of what and who could and couldn’t operate during lockdown has been determined by government department people, bureaucrats who overall have got it right but not totally.
The months ahead are going to be extremely tough for many and more weeks under tight business operating conditions is not realistic or practical.
So the Government must today outline plans for bars, cafes and retail to open their doors. It will give some of those business the chance to fight their way out of economic ruin, and saving our listing ship that will not only take the bricks and mortar with it but jobs.
The 40-plus days we have been in level 4 and 3 have given most of us the insight we need to keep Covid-19 at bay: Constant hand washing, distancing and most of all awareness of the need to be safe and use commonsense.
The Government must have the confidence today that the majority of New Zealanders will continue to do so to enable life and business to return to as normal as possible.
The Government will be acutely aware of this – there is a general election in mid-September.
When election week arrives, Covid from a health aspect should be a fading memory.
But the ongoing economic legacy of Covid will be at forefront for thousands of people competing for the very few jobs that will
be around.
The constant drum beat we hear from Jacinda Ardern of a new vibrant, digitally focused economy and a new way of doing things sounds good.
But will there be the jobs?