Woodhouse's homeless mystery man claim debunked

RNZ's Checkpoint can reveal a homeless person did in fact stay in managed isolation at Auckland's Crowne Plaza hotel, but he had every right to be there.

National's health spokesman Michael Woodhouse claimed in June that a homeless man had breached security to sneak into the hotel and stay for free.

Woodhouse claimed the man had not returned from overseas.

But documents obtained by Checkpoint debunk the claim Woodhouse made on Newshub's AM Show on June 18.

After a thorough investigation, the All of Government Response Group found the unnamed man had actually returned to Auckland on a flight from Melbourne and accessed the hotel legitimately.

Despite there being no evidence of any security breach, National leader Judith Collins continues to back Woodhouse.

He claimed a homeless man joined the queue at a secure Covid-19 managed isolation facility, entered undetected and enjoyed two weeks of meals, luxury accommodation and baths on the taxpayer.

However, documents released under the Official Information Act show the allegation triggered a thorough, taxpayer-funded internal review of all 1706 people who had stayed at Auckland's Crowne Plaza up until June 22.

The review turned up just one person of interest: an individual with no fixed abode who was previously known to hotel staff because he frequented the Crowne Plaza.

"He would often come into the hotel to exchange coins for money or to use the bathroom facilities," the hotel said in a statement.

But inquiries confirmed he did enter New Zealand from overseas, arriving on a flight from Melbourne on the date specified when he checked in.

National MP Michael Woodhouse. Photo: Getty
Michael Woodhouse. Photo: Getty
The other 1705 people who had stayed at the Crowne Plaza were also verified as legitimate overseas arrivals.

Woodhouse has been resolute in sticking to his allegations.

"The absence of any evidence that it did occur is not evidence that it didn't," he told Checkpoint on June 24.

"And in any event, if they have gone to such lengths to verify the story, they certainly acknowledge by those actions that it could have happened. I have a very reliable source who has told me what they believe to be correct and I have communicated that. I stand by the comments that I have made."

But Woodhouse was not so keen to talk today, with numerous calls and messages going unanswered.

The documents released to Checkpoint show the probe of Woodhouse's claims included poring over hours of CCTV footage from the Crowne Plaza.

Officials also sought and were granted access to CCTV footage from the neighbouring Huawei building on Auckland's Albert Street.

None of the footage showed an individual sneaking into the hotel.

The minister in charge of isolation facilities, Megan Woods, said it was time for Woodhouse to retract his claim.

"We very quickly, as soon as the allegation was made, moved to investigate it, because the allegation was a serious one. It was that the security of one of our managed isolation facilities could be breached, in a way that Mr Woodhouse is suggesting.

"So we've spend many staff hours reviewing records of people, CCTV footage, making sure we didn't have those gaps in our security. I'm confident we do not."

Other documents reveal overseas arrivals at the Crowne Plaza were only allowed off the bus and into the hotel when directed by staff.

The process at the hotel means no-one could walk in off the street and check into the hotel without being identified and arrivals are ushered off arriving buses either individually or in small groups.

Tight procedures at the hotel have been backed up by guests who shared their testimonies with Checkpoint.

Despite the mounting evidence debunking Woodhouse's claims, his boss, National Leader Judith Collins, backed her MP when approached outside Auckland Airport this morning.

"He's told me some time ago that he had the assurance of a senior medical practitioner. I've taken his word," she said.

Collins was dismissive when asked about the findings of officials looking into the allegation.

"Just because the authorities can't find anything, I wouldn't worry about that."

She again repeated her support for Woodhouse when challenged about it on Checkpoint this evening.

"He's been very clear to me that he has not misled me. Michael Woodhouse has been very plain to me that the information he had was from the senior medical practitioner."

Collins said she did not believe it was the same person who leaked details of Covid-19 patients to Woodhouse. 

"I have been very specific," in asking for clarity, she said.

"I did not ask him for a source… It is very important that when people provide information to the opposition genuinely and correctly, that we are not going to go around outing them for it. 

"I'm not going to doubt the words of my colleague."

Checkpoint has asked for the financial cost of investigating Woodhouse's claims, but is yet to hear back.