Watch: Businesses targeted in window-smashing spree

At least five businesses had their windows smashed when a man went on a vandalism spree early this morning.

Acting Senior Sergeant Simon Reay said a 55-year-old man was seen ‘‘smashing windows’’ in the Octagon, central Dunedin, and down Stuart St at about 12.30am on Wednesday.

Five businesses had been damaged, but further reports were considered likely, he said.

A smashed glass door in Lower Stuart St this morning. Photo: Gerard O'Broen
A smashed glass door in Lower Stuart St this morning. Photo: Gerard O'Broen

Police arrested the man, who is due to appear in court today.

The details of his charges are still being finalised, Reay said.

Anyone whose business sustained damage overnight or has information can call police on the 105 line. File 241009/5935 is the reference number.