It was not the first time a car had accidentally ended up in her yard.
Miss Lindon was sitting in her living room in her home in Royal Cres, Musselburgh, at 5.15pm on Monday, when a car crashed through her fence and landed on top of her vehicle. It narrowly avoided hitting her house.
"It made a hell of a noise," she said.
A similar incident happened in December 2019, when a car also crashed through her fence. Other properties nearby had also received unexpected visitors smashing through their property.
She wanted the Dunedin City Council to see if road improvements could be made, before someone was killed.
"I live right across the road from a daycare centre, and I have five schools that walk past my house.
"It’s a big worry. If they’d done it an hour earlier they would have killed at least one kid."
Her ute was damaged in the latest incident, but luckily both she and the driver had insurance. Her neighbour, Bev Carter, had a car plough into her property in 2008.
"It was pretty horrendous."
She wanted a strong crash barrier put in place outside Miss Lindon’s house, she said.
"If they [cars] go in at another angle they’re going to end up in her kitchen.
"We’ve been lucky every time an accident happens that it hasn’t taken out a life."
The Dunedin City Council did not respond to a request for comment yesterday.