Latest poll has Peters kingmaker

The latest poll shows Winston Peters' party could enter Parliament. Photo: RNZ
The latest poll shows Winston Peters' party could enter Parliament. Photo: RNZ
National and ACT would need Winston Peters' support to form a government in the latest poll, which shows Chris Luxon ahead of Chris Hipkins as preferred Prime Minister.

The Newshub-Reid Research poll of about 1000 eligible voters was conducted between September 17 and September 23. It was weighted for demographics, with a margin of error of 3.1 percent at the 95 percent confidence interval.

It shows Peters' party NZ First is over the threshold of 5% to enter Parliament.

• National: 39.1 percent, down 1.8 points (49 seats)

• Labour: 26.5 percent, down 0.3 points (33 seats)

• Greens: 14.2 percent, up 1.9 points (18 seats)

• ACT: 8.8 percent, down 1.3 points (11 seats)

• NZ First: 5.2 percent, up 0.6 points (6 seats)

• Te Pāti Māori: 2.2 percent, down 0.9 points (3 seats)

• TOP: 1.9 percent, up 1.2 points

• New Conservatives: 1.1 percent

Between them, National and ACT would have 60 seats, just short of the 61 needed to form a government and requiring the support of Peters.

The left bloc of Labour, the Greens and Te Pāti Māori falls well short of governing, with just 54 seats between them.

Peters and Labour's have Chris Hipkins have already ruled out working with one another.

Preferred PM

On the preferred Prime Minister stakes, National's Christopher Luxon has also risen, clearly overtaking Hipkins - who dropped 3.4 percentage points.

• Christopher Luxon: 24 percent, up 1.5 points

• Chris Hipkins: 19.1 percet, down 3.4 points

• David Seymour: 6.1 percent, down 0.9 points

• Winston Peters: 6 percent, up 1.4 points

• Chlöe Swarbrick: 4.4 percent, up 1.2 points

The previous Newshub-Reid Research poll a fortnight ago had National up 4.3 points to 40.9 percent, and Labour down 5.5 points to 26.8 percent.

On Monday morning, Luxon confirmed National would form a government with NZ First if required, but his first preference would be for a two-party coalition with ACT.

"If New Zealand First is returned to Parliament and I need to pick up the phone to Mr Peters to keep Labour and the coalition of chaos out, I will make that call.

"And frankly, I think Chris Hipkins will ultimately do exactly the same thing."

Hipkins, however, has ruled out working with New Zealand First if re-elected, saying their values did not align with Labour's.

He said a National-New Zealand First-ACT government would be a "three-headed monster".

Peters was critical of the focus on the issue of potential government partners, saying voters would ultimately have the final say.

The general election will be held on Saturday, October 14.