'Instantly shattered': Influencer and mum reveals cancer diagnosis

Gina Urlich with her children.
Gina Urlich with her children.
A businesswoman, social media influencer and mum-of-four is in “the fight of her life” after being diagnosed with an aggressive and rare stage four cancer.

Hawke’s Bay’s Gina Urlich revealed the diagnosis in a public social media statement on Saturday, saying her surgeon broke the news to her over the phone on January 8.

Urlich was told that an ovarian tumour that had been removed in December was not a primary tumour, but a secondary cancer called a signet cell carcinoma.

“... [it] dropped me to my knees, I clenched my chest and I gasped for air as my life was instantly shattered.

“Being told I have stage four cancer is words I never thought I would hear. It still feels like a bad dream,” Urlich said.

“I’ve been told to throw everything at this and I will do whatever it takes.”

Urlich asked for anyone in her community of 40,000 Instagram followers who had connections with the rare type of cancer to get in touch with her.

A Givealittle page has been set up to support the family while Urlich receives treatment.

“Gina is in the fight of her life against stage 4 Signet Cell Carcinoma. This type of cancer is aggressive and rare.

“We want to make sure that Gina and the family have the financial support they need as they go through surgeries and treatment. There is a very long, heartbreaking and arduous road ahead,” the Givealittle page for the family says.

Urlich and her partner aren’t able to work during her treatment and surgeries and there is a high possibility that she will travel overseas for treatment.

“Gina is strong, and we want her to feel that extra layer of community support beneath her. Together we can make a difference for this beautiful family.”

The page describes Urlich as a beautiful person who has always been generous with sharing her knowledge and advice with her online community and beyond.

“Everything Gina does is in service of her community and beyond. To know her is to love her.

“She is the type of person who will drop anything to be there for her loved ones.”

In December Urlich wrote that her “whole world” had been turned upside down.

“The big 20cm mass I had removed along with my right ovary was in fact malignant.”

Urlich is the founder of Norish a line of natural baby foods and family meal boosters.

“This is her passion and the culmination of her life’s work. Everything Gina does is in service of her community and beyond,” the Givealittle page for the family says.

Urlich started making Norish products at the kitchen table and her children were the taste testers.

“My ultimate goal and the reason I started this is to decrease diet-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, behavioural issues and dental decay. That’s the purpose behind all of this.”