The toe-curling towel togas are the latest cringe crime from the father-son pair who are no strangers to embracing awkwardness online.
Taking to Instagram, Max posted a photo of him and John standing side by side in their towel togas with the caption, “Some would call us fashion killers”.
John wore a red towel with lobsters on it while Max opted for a slightly more busy blue towel with red and orange stripes that ended with an adorable cartoon image of a sausage dog wearing a Santa hat.
The post quickly caught the attention of the father-son duo’s friends and fans. Patrick Gower commented “Keysie looks fantastic” while others made fun of the “fashion killer” statement.

This is not the first time the duo have caused a stir on social media with their hilarious posts.
The Herald takes a look back at their best moments:
Credit: Instagram
1. Shopping day

Last year Max posted a series of images of the two going shopping and trying on fluffy hats and notable sunglasses.
Captioning the post “The keys doing their part to stimulate the economy”, there were plenty of fans commenting with laughing face emojis and calling them a hilarious “double act”.
Credit: Instagram
2. Pizza-making gone wrong

Another hilarious moment was captured by Max when the family were making pizzas in their at-home outdoor pizza oven.
Max notes in the caption that while cooking John had a little bit of a close call and had to hose off the brush because it was steaming after getting too close to the fire embers.
3. John’s nap time
Everyone knows it’s a dad thing to fall asleep during the 6pm news while they’re sitting on the couch. Why? We’ll never know but we do know John isn’t exempt from the classic dad move.
Max happened to catch the moment on camera and couldn’t help but make light of it on his Instagram.
Credit: Instagram
4. Max 6ix9ine

Posted four days after Halloween, it’s unclear if Max was dressing up for the annual spooky holiday or simply trying to shock his dad with a new look.
While the post was a hit with fans, John looked less than impressed with his son’s temporary fashion choice.
5. Dads of Instagram
A couple of years after John retired from the role of New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Max made a post on social media letting everyone know what career he had ambitiously taken on.
Posting a hilarious photo of John taking a photo of Max in a pool, he jokingly captioned the post, “Hopefully that answered that” with a laughing face emoji.
John Key dabs in a video with his son Max. Photo: Youtube
6. He’s not a normal dad, he’s a cool dad

Not even John could escape the era of vlogging. In a video posted to Max’s YouTube account, the former PM was spotted performing something youths call a “dab”.
In the video, John dabs to celebrate Max’s 22nd birthday and Max, surprised by the act tells the camera, “that’s my boy!”.
7. National plank
Only 15 at the time, Max posted a photo to his Facebook account of him planking with John standing behind him looking slightly confused.

After years of hilarious social media posts by the father-son duo, it will be tough for them to beat the national plank, dads of Instagram and naptime in 2023, but if anyone can do it, they can.