Tom, who did not want his last name used, said he woke on Friday to an unusual number of phone calls.
Whenever he answered, people would scream into the phone and hang up.
He wondered what was going on, so went downstairs to ask his flatmate, Harry, who also did not want his last name used, and was told they should go for a walk.
They walked through campus and discovered Harry had printed 100 posters with his number on it and a picture of Chewbacca, the Wookie character from Star Wars.
The poster implored people to call his number for a Chewbacca roar competition being judged yesterday.
Harry said he got the idea from a friend in the United States, who was confident his Chewbacca impression could have won a roar competition he had seen.
The 110-odd calls Tom received exceeded his expectations, as his friends did not even think he would get 10, Harry said.
He handed out his posters in the library and posted them on every lamppost in Castle St North in Dunedin and at intersections and shops.
The intensity of calls would peak before dinner and again between midnight and 2am.
There had been a couple of interesting calls, including one girl who said she made out with the Chewbacca picture on the poster three times.
Others would politely introduce themselves, scream for a minute, then say "thank you" before hanging up.
Some impressions had been "pretty bad", including one that sounded more like a drowning cat than a Wookie.
He was glad he had decided to put an end date on the poster to prevent things getting out of hand.
The pair went through Tom’s voicemails and chose a winner, who received a box of RTDs as a prize.