Sam Broughton to stand for Selwyn mayoralty again

Sam Broughton. Photo: Facebook
Sam Broughton. Photo: Facebook
Sam Broughton has confirmed he is standing for mayor in the Selwyn district again.

If re-elected, it will be Broughton's fourth consecutive term, equalling the late Michael McEvedy as the longest-serving mayor of Selwyn.

Broughton concedes high rates rises will be a key issue for people when they vote in the October local body elections.

But he dodged answering a question on whether he believed rates rises would cost him or other sitting councillors votes. 

“ I understand the cost of rates impacts homes and particularly those on fixed incomes,” is all he would say.

Rates rose 14.9% for this financial year and are scheduled to rise 13.2% in July. More double-digit rises are forecast to follow.

Broughton has previously said rates in Selwyn will become unaffordable in the next decade on current forecasts.

He said Selwyn District Council did what it could to reduce rates but was hampered by increasing costs.

He said over the last three years the cost of providing transport and water infrastructure has increased about 30%.

Broughton said while the district council is looking for savings, it is up to the Government if people want a long-term change.

“We want the Government to provide new ways of funding local government beyond rates because the current system is not fair for communities.

“ And until the Government listens to that, we’re not going to be able to see the shift that I think people want.”

Ideas include the Government paying rates on Crown-owned land and returning the GST on rates to councils.

Broughton, 43, is the first to make his intentions known for the Selwyn mayoralty. It follows fellow Canterbury Mayor Phil Mauger's confirmation that he will stand for the Christchurch mayoralty again.

Sam Broughton. Photo: Supplied
Sam Broughton. Photo: Supplied
Unlike Mauger, who proposed service cuts to reduce rates, Broughton does not think cuts are wanted by Selwyn residents.

“ People aren’t wanting less, they’re wanting quality. And they’re wanting to make sure that the things we do are thinking about the future and setting things up for our children.”

Broughton was first elected to the role in 2016 and won by a landslide 12,000 votes in 2022. He says he still enjoys the job and has more to give.

“ I love the role and really enjoy serving our community.”

As chair of Local Government New Zealand, Broughton says he has an opportunity to bring Selwyn’s issues to the forefront.

“ So much of my role as the mayor is relationships with others and organisations. I’ll look to continue that and to leverage that for our community.”

If re-elected, Broughton said he would also focus on lobbying the Government for better infrastructure and more resources for health, police, education, social housing, and transport.

“The whole district will be the same population as Dunedin over the next couple of decades and we need those Government services to keep that level of growth.”