A spokeswoman said they are working in partnership with the Selwyn District Council Civil Defence team to deliver food to vulnerable people in the community.
"We have also been available to the community as a contact point for information, and we’ve pointed about 50 people towards more appropriate places to get the help they need.
"This is way more than we would normally be able to do, so the support of the Civil Defence team has been crucial,” she said.
The Salvation Army is receiving referrals for food parcels from the district council
"We have added the district council’s referrals to the list of people who have reached out directly.
"In return, we reach out when our supplies are low and the team helps by sourcing more food supplies.”
“During the Covid-19 pandemic we are seeing a growing need amongst people who have never needed our help before, as they navigate through rough waters that include job and income loss, isolation and the pressures of being in lockdown .”
Said district council civil defence manager Al Lawn: “One of the strengths of this response is this linking with these well-established community organisations and enabling them to do what they do best within their communities.
“We have supported volunteers picking vegetables donated by Jade Gardens Ltd and handled distributing these fresh vegetables to Selwyn foodbanks, including The Salvation Army,” he said.
- To get in touch and request a food parcel, leave a message by phoning 347 0934 or email rolleston.corps@salvationarmy.org.nz. Alternatively, head to sarolleston.com.