Plan to fix deadly intersections

Roundabouts will be installed at the intersections of Shands and Blakes Rds and Springs and...
Roundabouts will be installed at the intersections of Shands and Blakes Rds and Springs and Marshs Rds in a bid to improve safety. PHOTO: GEOFF SLOAN
Roundabouts will be installed at two high-crash intersections in Prebbleton – but not until 2021.

The New Zealand Transport Agency changed its previous decision and will now fund the safety work at the Shands and Blakes Rds and Springs and Marshs Rds intersections.

The projects will involve the construction of roundabouts at both intersections at a total cost of about $9.7 million.

In June, it was revealed the intersections did not qualify for funding due to shortfalls.

The projects remained on the national land transport programme list and the district council was told the funding has been approved after further work was undertaken on evaluating them.

Detailed designs will now be created and a substantial amount of the work is due to be completed by mid-2021.

District council transportation asset manager Andrew Mazey said the long construction period is due to the amount of work required.

Said Mr Mazey: “The roundabouts are expected to be dual lane and of a substantial size that will require significant changes to the existing road corridor including the relocation of services such as overhead power lines and drainage systems.

“Being constructed on the district council’s two main arterial routes to the city and connecting to the Southern Motorway extension means construction will need to be safely staged and balanced with the need to minimise the disruption to traffic.”

Deputy Mayor Malcolm Lyall said he would like to see the project finished sooner, but he accepts the reasons behind the long time line.

The Shands and Blakes Rds intersection was named the 10th most dangerous in New Zealand based on crash statistics.

NZTA figures show since 2011 there has been two fatal crashes, one serious, and nine minor at the intersection.

Two people died in a crash there in February last year. At the Springs and Marshs Rds intersection, there has been one serious crash and two non-injury crashes. An NZTA spokesperson said higher traffic volumes at the intersection as part of the construction of the Southern Motorway is leading to an increase in safety issues, particularly for traffic turning out of Marshs Rd.

Cr Lyall said the district council has been pushing for the upgrades for two-and-a-half-years and he is pleased to see the funding secured.

“I’m feeling very thankful. These two particular intersections have claimed lives so I’m very pleased we have funding to get these two done,” he said. He said although it is good news, he is frustrated with the delay.

“We thought we would’ve had the funding by now and this is just the start. There are several other intersections that are very important as well.

“Daily, we worry about our teenagers and people driving cars and their safety. I’m very concerned about these intersections,” he said.

NZTA director regional relationships Jim Harland said Canterbury is one of three priority regions under the safe network programme due to the high number of deaths and serious injuries.

“It is great to see the Selwyn District Council, in partnership with the Christchurch City Council, working with the safe network programme team, for the benefit of all road users and residents through this increasingly busy area.”

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