The sections are part of the Faringdon south west block, which is on land that has been fast-tracked for development under the Covid-19 recovery legislation.
Interest in the sections is expected to be high in the face of skyrocketing demand and the price of sections in the town having more than doubled in the last year.
Hughes Developments Ltd has gained consent to subdivide and develop two blocks of rural land, Faringdon South West and Faringdon South East, on Selwyn Rd, with sections and two neighbourhood commercial centres.
District council group manager environmental and regulatory services Tim Harris said the Faringdon decision was granted by the Environmental Protection Authority.
“This will provide potentially close to 1000 new households in Rolleston,” Harris said.
The triangular 54ha Faringdon South West and rectangular 35ha Faringdon South East blocks are an extension of the existing Faringdon residential development.
Hughes Developments Ltd spokesman Jake Hughes said while the south east block is sold and under construction, the south west block contains 722 lots and is 80 per cent sold.
"Construction is well advanced in this block too," Hughes said.
"The remaining lots will be listed for sale in the first and second quarter of 2022."
He said the plan change process was a slow one, so it was good to see the development had been fast-tracked.
Prior to the fast tracking decision, the Faringdon blocks were previously the subject of a plan change application, Plan Change 64.
“It will release more sections onto the market, and there’s a huge demand. It will allow more people into the market,” Taylor said.
A second Rolleston developer, Carter Group, has been unsuccessful in seeking fast-tracking under the legislation, for its 2000-home Skellerup and Holmes Block developments on Dunns Crossing Rd.
This development is the subject of the Plan Change 73 application, for which a hearing commissioner’s decision is pending.