Bad parking and a hotspot for fines

People complained about cars tearing up the grass verge on Springs Rd near Lincoln University....
People complained about cars tearing up the grass verge on Springs Rd near Lincoln University. Photo: Supplied
Parking is at the top of the list of resident complaints.

The latest Selwyn District Council data shows over the past year more than half of all complaints related to car parking.

Between August and the end of July, the district council compliance team received 1464 complaints, of which 844 were vehicle-related, which included parking.

The remaining complaints covered a range of issues from earthworks, littering, and keeping animals to signs, to overhanging trees, fencing, businesses operating in living zones, public place complaints, and resource consent and building site breaches.

In July, the district council received 60 parking-related complaints, which outnumbered all other complaints combined in the month.

From October to April, the district council issued $7140 in fines for offences, including parking on footpaths, grass berms, on broken yellow lines or in prohibited areas.

Despite the fines, the district council strategy is still to educate people first.

It does not currently have a dedicated staff member to deal with parking-related complaints.

The compliance team handles parking complaints as part of their daily duties.

Their role incorporates resource consent monitoring, and investigating potential breaches of the District Plan, Resource Management Act, council bylaws and littering.

A hotspot for parking fines has been around Lincoln University on Springs Rd and Ellesmere Junction Rd, with the side of Springs Rd becoming a muddy mess.

Since February, the district council has received 1750 parking complaints, for which 31 infringement notices were issued and 26 letters were posted to the owners of vehicles parked illegally.

The issues raised included vehicles parked on yellow lines, blocking the view of the roundabout, and mud and dirt being tracked onto the road.