Senior Sergeant Harker said a vehicle was stopped in the Darfield area at about 3.30am on Wednesday, and led to the arrest of a 37-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man.
"A search warrant was conducted at their home address and a large number of the stolen gates were located."
They are facing a number of charges in relation to the gate theft and will appear in the Christchurch District Court on August 4.
"It was the great work of Constable Hamish Caird, of the Darfield police, that led to these arrests."
Harker said anyone who has had gates stolen but has not reported it, should contact the Darfield Police.
There have been about 20-30 incidents of gates and fencing being stolen across Selwyn over the last few weeks.
This includes seven incidents over the weekend.
Springfield resident Thomas Ferguson had six of his farm gates stolen on Saturday night.
"It just p****d me off that somebody has come onto my property and taken my stuff. We didn't think they would be targeted," he said.
Ferguson said, fortunately, none of his stock got out of their paddocks but the gates will cost about $150 each to replace.
"We are unsure exactly why they are being taken, the scrap metal value would be very limited.
"Possibly somebody might be starting up a farm and is using the gates. We thought that it might have been drug-related but we aren't so sure now."
Police are not sure if the gates and fencing are being taken out of the district.
"The gates can be quite big so the offenders are going to need some sort of ute or quite a big trailer to transport them.
"It is quite alarming. If the gates are stolen stock can get out on the road or if people have got cattle then bulls could get in with the female cattle or anything like that."