River tests prove E.coli present


Fears confirmed . .. Graeme Rupene is now waiting for tests to identify what is causing the E...
Fears confirmed . .. Graeme Rupene is now waiting for tests to identify what is causing the E.coli in the water at the Ashley/Rakahuri River mouth. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
Ashley River water quality campaigner Graeme Rupene says he is pleased recent testing has proved his fears over the state of the river’s health, but would now like to know where the matter is coming from.

Following Environment Canterbury (ECan) testing the water around Mr Rupene’s campsite at the river mouth, and along the river side, results show high levels of E.coli from the substance taken off his whitebait nets two weeks ago.

ECan zone delivery lead – Kaikoura/ Hurunui›Waiau Marco Cataloni, says further testing was carried out last Friday by ECan Incident Response staff.

‘‘They met Mr Rupene on site to collect more samples off the netting. This testing will now be more specific as we will ask the lab to identify the source of E.coli.’’

This will include analysis of the tests covering human, avian and ruminants.

“This carries a significantly higher cost, so makes sense to run this test once we have established elevated E.coli levels.”

Mr Cataloni says all this new testing is awaiting analysis but says it is important to note the highest levels of E.coli were found on the solid matter on the netting.

‘‘The water tested in the main braids of the Ashley were well below health concern figures, which is good.

‘‘There is a website (LAWA) which displays water testing results for rivers and beaches. ECan test weekly at designated locations over summer,’’ Mr Cataloni says.

Future sample results will determine what action ECan will take once the source is identified.

Mr Rupene says since the article first appeared in the North Canterbury News he has been fielding calls from many concerned river users in the district. ‘‘Many people have called me so I’ve started to arrange meetings as there are quite a few concerned people out there.’’