Over 1000 vehicles expected at car show extravaganza


The 14th Kaikoura Hop promises to be "a western cowboy-themed, fun-filled four days of cars and entertainment", say organisers Doug and Fonda O’Callahan.

Glenys Eager (left) and Jodie Crump travelled to Kaikoura for last year’s hop. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
Glenys Eager (left) and Jodie Crump travelled to Kaikoura for last year’s hop. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
"Everyone loves to dress up and do silly things, and at this year's Kaikoura Hop that’s what we will be offering people," says Doug.

Over 1200 cars are expected to roll into Kaikoura for the annual celebration from September 18 to 22 at the Kaikoura Racecourse and beyond, with Saturday, September 21, the big day at the Kaikoura Hop Car Show Extravaganza.

Doug says he’s been surprised at the number of entries this year.

"We will always know on the day whether they all turn up, but we have been impressed by the numbers prebooking for this year's event."

Last year, over 1200 cars were on show during the Saturday parade day, while many thousands of spectators went through the gates.

"Many have already booked to stay the whole week, and that’s cool.

"We were expecting about 15 to 20 per cent fewer entries this year due to the economy, but the numbers have taken us by surprise.

"I’m expecting quite a few pickups will be on show, F150s and C10s plus newer models, and the Mustangs will be a great attraction."

The western-themed festivities start on Wednesday, September 18, with a Rest Home Run and early bird quiz.

"We are going to pick up some special old people and give them a run around Kaikoura in the cars."

On Thursday morning, a scavenger hunt gives attendees a chance to park up in Kaikoura and walk around discovering the township.

It’s followed by a shed tour and photo shoot before everyone reassembles for the drive-in movie, which continues the Western theme with the classic ‘Back to the Future 3’.

Friday has the Hop's famous poker run and Friday night cruise parade. Doug and Fonz ask all participants to dress up and display extra lights for the popular parade around central Kaikoura.

Saturday is the big day out, with gates opening at the Kaikoura Race Course early in the morning for cars and spectators.

"All the usual food and shops will be onsite using a slightly revised layout this year," says Doug.

"The Miss Kaikoura Hop and best cowgirl and cowboy pageants will be a bit of fun as everyone likes to dress up on the day."

Following the pageants, a cruise will be held around the Kaikoura district in the mid-afternoon.

On Saturday evening, the ever popular Rock n Roll dance will get things going, and finally the next morning, a farewell breakfast will be held for Hop participants.

Doug says this year and next will be formative years for the Hop as they look closely at ways to improve it.

"This year we have bought a proper sound system and employed a technician to look after it.

"We have also increased the signage around the race course to publicise it better."

Doug says he will enjoy travelling around in any one of the themed and painted golf carts they have bought to enable him to meet as many of the participants and visitors as he can.

"I’m already planning for 2025, which will be rocking but my lips are sealed."