Festive Christmas car run to Hawarden


The line up of cars attending the Hurunui Christmas Car Fest organised by the Hawarden- Waikari...
The line up of cars attending the Hurunui Christmas Car Fest organised by the Hawarden- Waikari Lions Club as a fundraiser to help support its community projects. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
Trevor Gibbs demonstrates a breaking movement to Len Smart as they look at the cars. PHOTO: JOHN...
Trevor Gibbs demonstrates a breaking movement to Len Smart as they look at the cars. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
Rob Campbell’s striking green Lancia Stratos replica drew a lot of attention. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
Rob Campbell’s striking green Lancia Stratos replica drew a lot of attention. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
Geoff Olorenshaw (left), owner Keygan Philp, John Philp and Jack Philp yarn while admiring Keygan...
Geoff Olorenshaw (left), owner Keygan Philp, John Philp and Jack Philp yarn while admiring Keygan’s vintage 1952 TEA Ferguson tractor. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE

The Hurunui Xmas CarFest attracted more than 100 vehicles to the Hawarden Showgrounds.

It was the second Christmas event organised by the Hawarden - Waikari Lions Club as a fundraiser to help support community projects.

There were vintage and veteran cars, vintage tractors, sports cars and exotic performance cars on display.

Convener Jeff Walker said the fundraiser was very popular as it displays many local cars as well as visitors' vehicles from around Canterbury.

They travelled from as a far as Timaru to attend the show.

"You would be surprised at what you can find in garages around here," Walker said.

The money raised from the car fest will be used to support the club’s many youth scholarship programmes.

"We help students at Hurunui College to attend sports events, undertake life skills training at Anakiwa and do what we can to help youth in the district," Walker said.

One of the many cars on show was Rangiora man Rob Campbell’s striking green Lancia Stratos replica.

The 387hp Alfa-powered sports car was bought from an English replica car building company 12-years-ago and Campbell has been slowly assembling this exotic piece of Italian automotive art.

"I’ve nearly finished it, and it will be on the road soon.

"I went along to the Silver Fern Rally and looked at the Lancia Stratos competing there last week, but I was saddened to hear they had rolled it.

"But the beauty of these cars is that they bought the replacement body panels with them and they were soon back in the competition."