Close shave for mayor


Southbrook student Novee Wotherspoon gives Waimakariri District Mayor, Dan Gordon, a close shave...
Southbrook student Novee Wotherspoon gives Waimakariri District Mayor, Dan Gordon, a close shave during the school’s fundraising event on Daffodil Day to raise money for the Cancer Society. PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP
Waimakariri District Mayor, Dan Gordon, was given an unplanned haircut during a Shave For A Cure event at Southbrook School on Daffodil Day.

The event was organised by the school’s student team leaders, who invited Mr Gordon to attend last Friday’s event as their celebrity guest to do the initial hair cutting.

One of the student leaders, Ollie Read, aged 13, who came up with the idea to hold the event, joined two other students, Novee Wotherspoon, aged 12, and Jamie Tuuta, aged 12, plus the school’s deputy principal Richard Blackmore, in getting their hair shaved during the day.

The mayor proved to be handy with a pair of hair clippers, despite never having done any hair cutting previously, aside from `trimming my beard occasionally’’.

But Rangiora hairdresser Melissa Sanders was on hand to finish off his work at the end of the event. During his speech, before the hair cutting began, Mr Gordon thanked the students for organising the fundraising event.

‘‘I commend Ollie and the team for their initiative. Thanks for your leadership organising this event. It is amazing.’’

After the event shaving was complete Mr Gordon was complimenting the students on their new haircuts and was told he should get one too.

While he was initially reluctant he eventually agreed and afterwards said he liked his new look and may keep it. Mr Blackmore said the school’s Shave For A Cure event raised $1200 for the Cancer Society.

The money came from a mufti day and wild hair day, which were held in conjunction with the Shave For A Cure event, plus donations from parents and other community members. Some students also raised money for the event by busking and doing odd jobs outside school hours.