Bussing children to the gym and back


Happy man . . . ICE Gymsports North Canterbury co›founder Nigel Humphreys is happy with his new...
Happy man . . . ICE Gymsports North Canterbury co›founder Nigel Humphreys is happy with his new bus. PHOTO: JOHN COSGROVE
After 12 months of hard work the fruits of their endeavours have been very visible around the district since ICE Gymsports North Canterbury took delivery of its first bus recently.

ICE co›founder Nigel Humphreys believes they are the only gym and trampoline club in the country who own a proper bus, complete with sign writing.

‘‘It’s taken us a year of hard work, but thanks to the Rata Foundation, we were finally able to get it over the line and purchase a suitable bus to allow us to transport children to the club’s facility here in Rangiora.’’

He says it just made common sense for the club to buy and operate it’s own bus.

‘‘Our goal is to increase the number of school children using the facility, to make it cost neutral to schools to allow us to bring their children here to use our indoor facilities, to allow children to train and experience gym sports and trampolining.’’

The 32 seater bus, an ex›school bus from Alexandra, appeared during Mr Humphreys year long search for a bus, suitable for the club.

‘‘It has nice seats and looks more like a coach than an old school bus,’’ he said.

‘‘It is ideal for what we want to do, as our facility gains by having kids use this wonderful facility both during the day times and also in the evenings.’’

‘‘The key for me was having it sign written and now the brightly sign› painted bus acts as a moving billboard, and it has already proved a bonus for the club with increased calls about our training programs.

‘‘Having the ability to transport children from schools into the facility and back again means we can produce a decent series of lessons with the confidence that kids can make it to each training session,’’ Mr Humphreys said.

ICE trampoline and gymsports club was formed in 2007 by Nigel and Vicki Humphreys, offering a full range of competitive and recreational based programmes to suit all ages and ability.

The club is known for producing champions, and later in November three members will be competing in the World Championship in Bulgaria.

They include Bronwyn Dibb, World Games silver medallist, and New Zealand trampoline champions Campbell Robertson and Briada Thomas.