Big rigs for Special kids day

A cold morning didn't put off people turning out in support of the Special Rigs for Special Kids event. 

The event began in 1992 when Andy Willetts, Glen Jacobs and Greg Inch conceived the idea of a way for the local transport industry to provide children with special needs a chance to enjoy a drive in the big trucks. 

A rugged up pair waved to trucks as the convoy travelled along Victoria Rd this morning. PHOTO:...
A rugged up pair waved to trucks as the convoy travelled along Victoria Rd this morning. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
This morning, the convoy headed out on a route through South Dunedin, over Corstorphine to Kaikorai Valley, up Taieri Rd and over Three Mile Hill to Mosgiel, before heading back to Dunedin via Fairfield and Green Island at a maximum speed of 40km/h.