Hornby community leaders met with city council staff on Wednesday to discuss ways of getting additional funding for the new Hornby Library, Service Centre and South West Pool.
But details on the outcome of the meeting are staying under wraps for now.
Hornby resident Marc Duff said the funding is still being worked on behind the scenes but details will be revealed soon.
Previously Hornby resident Mark Peters, who was also at the meeting on Wednesday, told Western News the city council needs to use some imagination to find ways to fund the building.
City council head of recreation, sports and events Nigel Cox also didn’t reveal any details on how the funding would be sourced.
He only confirmed a partnership approach was formed between the city
council and residents for the funding.
The city council currently has $35.7 million going towards the facility. However, a maximum of $5.8 million could be needed to secure the facility’s foundations due to it being built on Kyle Park, a former landfill.
This means there is less funding to go towards in-demand facilities from the community – including a hydroslide and hydrotherapy pool.
In July, city council staff surveyed residents on the top four additional four features they would like to see in the new facility.
City council staff told Western News the cost of each option varies greatly and what can be accommodated for the additional features will depend on what is selected.
As well as a hydroslide and hydrotherapy pool, child-minding services, study/computer spaces and automatic doors were popular choices the community would like to see in the facility.
The facility is due to be completed in 2022.