Volunteer’s life-long passion

Michael Gordon particularly enjoys reading biographies, autobiographies, history and travel....
Michael Gordon particularly enjoys reading biographies, autobiographies, history and travel. Photo: Newsline
When Michael Gordon was growing up, he had a lockable cupboard in his bedroom where he stored all the household books and issued them to family members on request.

Fast-forward 60 years and Gordon’s passion for books hasn’t waned. He volunteers with Friends of Christchurch City Libraries and enjoys meeting others who love books.

“It’s a natural fit because my background is in printing and publishing, and I’ve always liked promoting books. I love the printed word,” he said.

The Queenspark resident joined the library group six years ago, after visiting the annual Big Bargain Book Sale.

“I could see how much people were enjoying being there and buying books, especially children – you see the joy they get out of it.”

The library group supports the book sale by supplying volunteers each day. It sponsors regular author talks as well.

Gordon has also taught computing to people living with disability at New Brighton Library for the past six years, recently moving from tutoring to managing the programme.

As one of his children was disabled, it’s something close to his heart.

“I lost her when she was 19 years old. She was well-known around the libraries as well, she was a social butterfly. Maybe that’s where I get it from, that social aspect,” he said.

New Brighton is his favourite library. 

“Just the ambience of being so close to the sea and the sand.”

Gordon particularly enjoys reading biographies, autobiographies, history and travel.

“My wife tells me I have to shift my library out to the sleepout because we’re running out of room inside.”

He “100 per cent” recommends volunteering with the library group.

“You’re working with like-minded people who are also passionate about books, local authors and promoting reading. You just have to want to come out, socialise and help other people to become avid readers.”

• For more info, visit https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/friends/