Unprotected: Only 5 per cent of Cantabrians receive measles booster shot

The Government's launched a catch-up campaign for people aged 15-30 who were not fully immunised...
The Government's launched a catch-up campaign for people aged 15-30 who were not fully immunised from measles as children. Photo: NZH
A campaign to plug the gap in measles immunity has reached only a small number of Cantabrians.

The Government has launched a catch-up campaign for people aged 15 to 30 who were not fully immunised as children.

More than 2000 Kiwis caught measles in the 2019 outbreak - and likely exported it to Samoa, where 83 people died.

Nearly 36,000 Cantabrians need a booster shot but just 5 per cent have been vaccinated, halfway through the year-long campaign.

The CDHB said it is working to track down those who need to be immunised.

Local GPs are calling anyone in the target age group of 15 to 30, and the health board is working with Māori and Pasifika health providers to reach the community.

It says it has deployed advertising to promote the catch-up MMR jab.

In February last year, the Government promised $23 million to strengthen New Zealand's immunisation system.

Associate Health Minister Julie Anne Genter said at the time 300,000 young people aged between 15 and 29 were not fully protected and would receive the vaccine for free.