The centralised water reforms presented by the Government this morning would result in the vast majority of the South Island, based along Ngai Tahu territorial boundaries and excluding the very top of the island, being served by the entity.
As part of this release, the Government has produced dashboards containing council-specific information about the water reforms to help support local decision-making.
"Looking at the dashboard for Christchurch it is difficult to yet see a compelling case for change," said Dalziel.
"Until we get the full package and have all the pieces of the puzzle in front of us, it is difficult to judge whether it is in Christchurch’s best interests to be part of the new entity," said Dalziel.
"The Government has said that it will provide councils with more information on the financial implications of transitioning to the new entities at the end of July.
"Once we have that information, we will then need to engage with our communities and get their feedback on whether they want us to continue with the reform process or opt out."
One of the four entities the Government is proposing would cover the Ngāi Tahu takiwā (most of the South Island), including Christchurch. It would provide services and infrastructure relating to drinking water, wastewater and stormwater to 864,350 people.
Local authorities would own the entities, with joint oversight from mana whenua.
“It is positive to see the Government seeking to facilitate iwi partnerships and we are very mindful of the significance of our decision to others in the takiwa," Dalziel said.
Find out more about the water reforms here.