Seven days and 846km: Emma Timmis runs away with treadmill world record

Endurance athlete  Emma Timmis has completed her fourth, and final, Guinness World Record attempt - and she beat it by 13.11km.

Timmis last week broke the record for the longest distance run on a treadmill over seven consecutive days at Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub in Christchurch.

The previous record was 833km. Timmis ran 846.16km.

Timmis said this was her final attempt at a world record, having broken three other world records previously.

It was an uphill battle to get to the finish line.

Timmis ran for a week from 5am on Saturday to 9am Sunday, with only brief breaks.

She described being on autopilot when going past the previous record.

“I was actually just so exhausted mentally and physically that I don’t think there was any great feeling of achievement or excitement.

"I was just so unbelievably tired and just really wanted it to finish.”

She said one of her highlights was seeing the next generation of young athletes go along to support her.

“I would see children arrive and they would find out what I was doing and I could see the look on their face of so much excitement and awe about, wow, this woman’s doing this thing for a week - how cool is that?”

Timmis will not know if she has officially broken the record for several months. She needs to submit the evidence then wait for Guinness World Record's approval.

She has been raising money for Speed Freaks, a Christchurch-based mental health service.

"The goal of the treadmill record was to raise $50,000. We’re currently sitting around $11,000 which is great but won’t make as much of an impact as we’d really like."