Return your overdue books before fines restart

Return your library books now to avoid any fines. Photo: Newsline / CCC
Return your library books now to avoid any fines. Photo: Newsline / CCC
Christchurch City Libraries are calling for all book loaned over the lockdown period to be returned.

More than 120,000 books are back on shelves at libraries across the city after one week of returns.

However, a significant number of the loans prior to the lockdown period remain outstanding, said Carolyn Robertson, Christchurch City Council head of libraries and Information.

She said customers will not face any fines over post-lockdown “overdue” books if they are back by June 15.

“With the long weekend coming up, we are asking people to check around their homes for any books or other library items that may have been forgotten while our libraries have been closed to the public,” Robertson said.

“Thousands of items have already been returned in our first week, and we are thrilled with the response to our reopening.

“We have extended the loan period for all of those outstanding items - due from 22 March - to 15 June.

"However, there will be fines for any late returns from 16 June.”

During the lockdown period, more than 223,000 items were on loan from Christchurch City Libraries.

In the first week following the reopening to the public, customers returned 54 per cent of the outstanding items and 446 new members joined the library.

“We usually see a rush of borrowers just before the Queen’s Birthday holiday as readers check out books for the long weekend,” Robertson says.

“We thought it was timely to remind people to return items as they picked up their new books.”

After an initial flurry of activity, there are now more items being issued than returned.

In the first week back, the South library proved the busiest with 14,093 items issued, followed by Fendalton (9055) and Tūranga (8022).

In total, 2382 people joined the library between March 24 and May 18, more than double the normal number.

During April, library members borrowed 74,686 eBooks and eAudiobooks, compared with 40,746 in the same period last year.

All libraries will close on Monday, June 1, for the Queen’s Birthday holiday.

However, they will be open during their regular weekend times.