Kathryn Perks, who now lives in Hawke’s Bay, used to attend the school, and after visiting her old stomping grounds last year was inspired to organise a reunion for her former classmates.
“I looked at old class photos from 1962 to 1968, then tried to contact as many as I could through social media and Google. I even tried the White Pages,” she said.
Some proved impossible to find because their names had changed but, in the end, she tracked down 28 – and 19 of them met for lunch at The Beach near Cave Rock.
Mandy White (nee Stuart-Jones) flew from Australia. Others came from Auckland, Masterton, Wellington and Nelson.
“Those who couldn’t be there sent messages, memories and photos, which we all got to share,” she said.
The Beach was a fitting venue for the reunion. “I remember it used to be the Sumner tearooms,” said Perks.
“It’s one of the few landmark buildings still standing in the village so it had special significance for all of us. I remember swimming underneath it as a child,” she said.
He was strict but an excellent teacher and several said how amazing he was, said Perks.
Others in the group remembered their student teacher at the time, John van Uden, who lives in the area and met up with them all after the lunch.
-By Tony Simons