Restoration plan for lower Heathcote River

Consultation on the lower Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Guidance Plan opened on March 22 and runs until...
Consultation on the lower Ōpāwaho Heathcote River Guidance Plan opened on March 22 and runs until April 19. Have your say at Photo: Newsline
A newly-released plan aims to reverse the ecological damage caused by decades of pollution in the lower Heathcote River.

Key aims of the plan will be to prioritise the natural environment, increase space available for river margin, intensify native planting and reduce the volume of lawn, reduce exotic trees and intensify native tree canopy, increase shading of the river, provide habitat for native fauna, create a place of education, improve connectivity to the river and between activities, and enhance social connections.

Yani Johanson.
Yani Johanson.
The stretch of river between the Opawa Rd bridge and Ferrymead Bridge has been affected severely by heavy industry and other factories over the years.

The plan has been developed by Ōpāwaho Lower Heathcote Working Party.

Said chairman Yani Johanson: "This draft plan is focused on ensuring that the ecology, water quality, and the ability for people to enjoy the river is enhanced.

"It aims to strengthen the historic and cultural values of the river between the council and the community so that everyone is working constructively to improve the environmental and recreational benefits of it.

"I thank the working party members for their contributions to date and encourage people to make submissions on what is proposed."