A survey has been launched with the goal of extending bus routes in Belfast to cater for the area’s growing population.
Belfast Residents Association chair Charlotte Gavin says an increase in development, including new subdivision Spring Grove on Blakes Rd, means current public transport services are no longer adequate.
“The Belfast Area Plan 2010 sought to have a public bus service available within 400m of all residents. Spring Grove is more like 2km away at the furthest point,” Galvin said.
The residents association has created the survey, in response to guidance from Environment Canterbury and the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board.
“Ultimately, we need to prove as a district that there is sufficient demand to extend the (bus) service and what times it would be most used,” Galvin said.
The area plan predicted Belfast to grow from 7000 to 15,000 residents by 2041.
Developers are opening up 186 more sections in the area over the next few years, which Galvin estimates would make a total of 800 homes on the eastern side of the railway line in Belfast.
A footpath along nearby Radcliffe Rd will be installed in 2027 as part of the city council’s Long Term Plan.
Survey results to date show 92 out of 94 respondents in favour of a bus route that includes Blakes Rd.
“We have had a very positive start to the process with excellent results and more to come,” said Galvin.
She said an additional questionnaire has been developed specifically for those coming into Belfast for work.
- The survey can be filled out until March 12 at www.belfastresidents.org.nz