Poll: Should the Southern Motorway speed limit be raised to 120km/h?

Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton is calling to increase the speed limit along parts of the Southern Motorway to 120km/h.

Broughton wrote to the Ministry of Transport last month endorsing an increase as the Government reviews speed limits across New Zealand.

Transport Minister Simeon Brown wants feedback on the draft speed limits rule - and has asked which state highways could be increased to 120km/h.

Broughton told Brown the speed limit should be increased to improve travel times between Rolleston and Christchurch.

“Whether it is for general traffic, direct public transport services, or moving freight, council considers increasing the speed limit of the motorway between Rolleston and Brougham St will assist in improving efficiency and connectivity while still being safe,” he wrote.

Broughton said the increase would be appropriate because many drivers are already speeding on motorway.

“This is reflected in generally higher average speeds above 100km/h we already observe along the motorway."

Transport expert Professor Simon Kingham told Stuff raising the limit would come with a large cost for road upgrades to make it suitable for 120km/h driving.

“If we as a region want to engineer the road to be able to go faster we have to spend money to do that," Kingham said.

“It’s going to be a handful of seconds or minutes, but at what cost?"

A NZ Transport Agency spokesperson told Stuff there are currently no roads in New Zealand that can be driven safely at 120km/h.