Polarising Cave Rock lights could stay on year-round

The contentious lights on top of Cave Rock can be turned on 365 days a year.

The issue of when the lights can be turned on has been a subject of debate, prompting the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board to get answers from Christchurch City Council.

The board has been told the lease for the lighting, which is solar-powered, does not limit the number of nights the lights can be turned on.

Sara Templeton. Photo: Star Media
Sara Templeton. Photo: Star Media
Board member Sara Templeton said: “This is different to what I had expected.”

Templeton said she had originally thought the lighting would only be turned on at Christmas and Easter, as it was in the past.

She requested information on the lease terms from the city council after several members of the public indicated to her that they were going to approach the board with their concerns.

But no one came forward with their concerns at the recent meeting said Templeton.

“I’d encourage residents to get in contact with the board if they have concerns about the lighting and at that stage we’d be able to ask for further advice,” said Templeton.

It is the cross shape of the lighting that has caused ongoing public debate.

A photo of the mast posted to the Sumner Facebook community page on Saturday sparked a heated discussion.

‘Cave Rock Sunrise’. Photo: Rose Joy
‘Cave Rock Sunrise’. Photo: Rose Joy
Some comments said the lighting was “stunning”, while others were unhappy with it, calling it "a Christian beacon".

The lighting is a navigational mast put up in 1864 to guide shipping.

The mast lighting in the past has been used to celebrate Easter, Anzac Day, Christmas and significant national events such as the coronation of King George VI in 1937.

The community tradition of lighting up the mast continued until the February 22, 2011, earthquake damaged the signal house.

Following its repair in 2016, the lighting was not reinstated until December last year.

Sumner-Redcliffs Historical Society members and the Sumner Community Residents’ Association lobbied and raised funds for the lights to reinstated.