The new imported modular kitset playground has replaced the largely wooden fort-playground which was demolished in April.
The popular fort, which had been at Thomson Park for about 50 years, was taken down due to safety concerns.
Christchurch City Council's proposal to replace it with an imported $80,000 modular kitset model sparked outrage in the community.
Residents slammed the replacement model as "too plastic" and only suitable for young children.
The backlash prompted the council to allocate an additional $20,000 to improve the project.
Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board member Alex Hewison: "Let's be clear, this is a really big win. We called and council listened."
"As part of initial conversations with the new design we were concerned about that kitset module feel.
"We're really stoked that it is wood and at the end of the day, council listened to the community.

However, Hewison said the new playground is still not as good as the old one.
"There is more to do and there are concerns that we're going to address like the lack of play development space and adventure risk playing."
He is now advocating for a phase two redevelopment at Thomson Park, which he said could include more play equipment but not necessarily at the same site.
"Take this win, have a look at the park, have a look at what they feel is missing and get back together and have a refresh over the coming weeks."
Hewison hopes the new and improved playground will be up and running by the start of the school holidays next week.
- By Geoff Sloan, made with the support of NZ On Air