New cycleway connection opens along Christchurch's Ferry Rd

The cycle link on Ferry Rd. Photo: Newsline
The cycle link on Ferry Rd. Photo: Newsline
A colourful cycle link along Christchurch's Ferry Rd is making it easier and safer for people to get into the city centre by bike.

Michael Wood. Photo: George Novak, NZ Herald File
Michael Wood. Photo: George Novak, NZ Herald File
The trial cycle link has been funded through Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's innovating streets for people pilot programme and provides a connection between the Heathcote Expressway major cycle route and the cycleway on St Asaph St.

It was officially opened yesterday by Transport Minister Michael Wood and Christchurch City Council urban development and transport committee chairman and city councillor, Mike Davidson.

"We’re giving councils the resources to trial new ways of making our streets safer for kids and commuters to get around. Already there are 27 Innovating Streets projects under way and a further 46 on the way across the country," Wood said.

"Trialling these projects gives communities the opportunity to experience the benefits sooner and allows them to give practical feedback on any potential permanent changes."

The Ferry Rd cycle link will be trialled for a year, after which the city council will look at constructing a permanent cycle link.

Feedback gathered during the trial will help to inform the design for the permanent project.

Davidson says the trial is a great way to demonstrate how the cycleway will work for people working or studying in the city or people commuting through.

"We’re using paint, planters and temporary separators to trial the new road layout. We expect to improve the final design based on the feedback we receive while this trial is in place,'" Cr Davidson said.

Give your feedback on the Ferry Rd cycle link here.