His stall at the Hoon Hay Fiesta on Thursday will be promoting love and peace.
Ahmed made international headlines for forgiving the March 15 gunman after he killed 51 worshippers, including Ahmed’s wife Husna.
Since then he has acted as a champion of unity, spreading his message afar, even at the White House, where he was invited to attend a conference around religious freedoms.
Ahmed’s stall at the fiesta, which will be held at Hoon Hay Park between 4pm and 7pm, will continue to spread this message.
“I thought why don’t I make the most of this gathering where I can continue to spread this message,” he said.“Especially because after Covid and during the lockdown there was lots of domestic violence and also with the stuff going on in France, even though it is not here, I still hear about it and it is painful. So I thought I would take this opportunity to engage people and talk about love and peace.”
At his stall, free chocolate and henna tattoos will be offered. Ahmed will also be holding a survey where participants will be asked a simple question: What will unite Kiwis? People taking the survey will be given four options to put as their answer – love, hate, peace or violence.

Ahmed hopes this will result in reflection and some serious conversations around how true unity can be achieved within New Zealand.
- The Hoon Hay Fiesta is a free community event at Hoon Hay Park, Mathers Rd, 3.30pm to 7.30pm, Thursday, November 12.