Long-awaited pathway to sea under way

Work is progressing on the first phase of Christchurch’s long-awaited 'City to Sea' Pathway.

The 11km-long, 4-metre-wide shared walking and cycling pathway follows the  Ōtākaro Avon River through the red zone from the central city to New Brighton.

Due to its length, the pathway is set to be constructed in three stages - the first a $7.6 million western section running from Fitzgerald Ave out to Kerrs Reach.

An artist's impression of the 'City to Sea' Pathway. Mostly native trees and shrubs will be...
An artist's impression of the 'City to Sea' Pathway. Mostly native trees and shrubs will be planted along the route. IMAGE: SUPPLIED
The project is the centrepiece of a $316 million Christchurch City Council plan to regenerate the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, once home to 5500 properties, which were demolished following the devastating earthquakes in 2011.

About 80,000 mostly native trees and shrubs will be planted along the pathway and riverbanks.

Officials hope their bold plan to regenerate the 602ha red zone area in the heart of East Christchurch will be a lasting legacy for the city and on par with the creation of Hagley Park by Christchurch's forebearers.

The first stage of the pathway should be completed by the end of the year, with the next two sections due to be finished by late 2025.  

- By Geoff Sloan, made with the support of NZ On Air

In this artist's impression, it's hoped a red zone area in the heart of East Christchurch will be...
In this artist's impression, it's hoped a red zone area in the heart of East Christchurch will be regenerated. IMAGE: ARTIST IMPRESSION/ SUPPLIED