Students from the school told the Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board they are worried about the speed and volume of traffic, including heavy vehicles, using the road.
Council staff have assessed the road and are proposing a number of changes to make it safer for the community and students walking and cycling in the area.
The changes, which are now out for public consultation, include:
- Adding a new pedestrian refuge island on Waterloo Road between the entry points to Hornby High and the new Hornby Centre.
- Constructing a shared 3-metre path on both sides of Waterloo Road to provide access to the local schools and the new Hornby Centre.
- Constructing kerb buildouts on Smarts Road at the Waterloo Road intersection to slow trucks entering pedestrian areas.
- New parking restrictions outside Hornby Primary and Hornby High schools to help with the flow of drop-off and pick-up traffic during school hours.
The council will review the speed limit on Waterloo Rd later this year as part of a citywide review of speed limits around schools.
Council transport operations manager Stephen Wright said: "Waterloo Rd is a very busy road and because there is both a primary and a secondary school on it, there are often large groups of children and young people walking, cycling or scooting along it.
"We want to make it safer for them and for the whole community," Wright said.
Feedback on the proposed Waterloo Rd safety improvements can be made here until 15 August.