The final section of the new tram track linking High St to Poplar St in central Christchurch is being installed.
The new track is part of the High St upgrade project, the bulk of which was completed before Christmas, including the sewer and stormwater pipe replacements.
Work on the $9 million upgrade started in the middle of last year.
The final poles and overhead wires are now being added to the tram route, which will run along Lichfield St and Poplar St and back up High St to create a loop.
"The work will be completed during the day and overnight as some of the tasks will be quite disruptive to traffic movements," said Christchurch City Council planning and delivery manager Sharon O’Neill.
"We anticipate this work will take approximately six weeks."
"We are working with our contractors Fulton Hogan and Connetics to limit any disruption to pedestrians, businesses and traffic, including completing work at night when required to ensure safety of road users," O’Neill said.
"The area will look fantastic when the work is finished, and will be safer for pedestrians and cyclists."
The changes to High St include:
- A 10 km/h speed limit.
- Level paving across the road and footpath between Lichfield Street and Tuam Street, with a new paving pattern incorporating a Ngāi Tahu design.
- Short-stay parking for shoppers and deliveries – P60 spaces, loading zones, mobility parks, motorcycle parks, and cycle parks.
- A safer cycling connection between Tuam Street and the central city.
- Feature lighting and new street furniture.
- Corgi statues, marking the Queen's golden jubilee, will be relocated closer to Poplar Street, beside the new tram shelter.
- More trees and planting along the route which will take place when the planting season starts in May.
- Upgrading stormwater pipes along High Street.
- Replacing the sewer pipe along High Street, between Cashel and Manchester streets, and round into Lichfield Street.