Here's your chance to apply to be the Christchurch council boss

Photo: Newsline
Photo: Newsline
Christchurch City Council has started advertising for a new permanent chief executive to replace Dawn Baxendale who quit in November.

In a job advertisement posted to Seek NZ on Tuesday, the council detailed its expectations for the new chief executive.

The expected salary for the new chief executive is yet to be finalised. But in 2023 Baxendale was earning $548,548. Following the departure of n Baxendale, Mary Richardson was named as the interim chief executive.

Dawn Baxendale tendered her resignation on November 6 last year. Photo: Newsline
Dawn Baxendale tendered her resignation on November 6 last year. Photo: Newsline
The job advertisement states the council is seeking an experienced chief executive with “unquestionable integrity” to lead 3000 staff members and work with mana whenua.

"The mayor and councillors are looking to appoint a chief executive ... with vision and a passion to do the absolute best for the region’s people, communities and economy."

A candidate briefing document, authored by recruitment agency Sheffield and the council, consists of 19 pages - twice as long as the 2019 version when Baxendale was recruited.

"We’re seeking a chief executive with a track record providing strategic, visible and inspirational leadership, fostering a culture of high-performing and engaged teams, and delivering value-for-money services," the advertisement reads.

“A key part of the role will be to provide strong leadership, building trust within the organisation and enhancing its culture.”

A big challenge for the new chief executive will be implementing the Long Term Plan within budget.

"Like all other local authorities in New Zealand, the council faces multiple financial challenges, including significantly increased debt servicing costs, significantly increased insurance costs, challenging asset renewal requirements, and the general increase in costs that a high rate of inflation brings," the advertisement reads.

“Effective management of the council’s financial performance is crucial, as is the need to champion climate change initiatives both within the council and throughout the community.”

Applications for the role close on July 28 and can be made here.