But the company is confident it can address the concerns raised by experts on its proposed 170ha Roydon Quarry.
Environment Canterbury and the Selwyn District Council are recommending the application to open the quarry is declined unless changes are made.
Independently prepared Section 42A reports for the two authorities were released on Monday ahead of the quarry hearing due to start in November.
Traffic issues, hours of operation and unclear plans on how Fulton Hogan will reduce major air pollutant PM10 are key reasons behind the recommendation for the application to be declined.
But Fulton Hogan South Island general manager Craig Stewart said he is confident any technical concerns raised about traffic, hours of operation and dust can be addressed to the satisfaction of the community and decision-makers.
In a new development on top of the release of the reports, residents are unhappy some submitters will not have a say on the changes made last month by Fulton Hogan to its original application.
The changes include amending its proposal from 1500 heavy vehicle movements a day to a daily limit of 800 heavy vehicles.
ECan and the district council will only accept submissions on whether the changes to the quarry application are significant enough that it should be treated as a completely new process.
All submissions are required to be authored by legal counsel and are due on September 17.
Only those who chose to speak at the hearing before the changes were made will have a chance to do so.
Quarry opponent Simon Moore said it was “unfair” submitters who will not speak at the hearing will not have an opportunity to have a say on the changes.
But he said if ECan and the district council are recommending the application bedeclined, it is a good outcome.
His views were backed by Templeton Residents’ Association treasurer Jolene Eagar, who said the biggest thing to come out of the report was the traffic concerns highlighted.
As part of the Section 42A report, the district council’s recommendations were made by Andrew Henderson from independent engineering consultant Beca, while Incite resource management consultant Hannah Goslin was contracted by ECan.
Mr Henderson said the application needs to have appropriate measures to avoid adverse effects arising from trucks queuing between the main trunk railway crossing and Main South Rd.
This is a result of Fulton Hogan proposing to provide a vehicle access point from Jones Rd into the quarry, which is adjacent to Main South Rd.
Mr Henderson’s other key concern is all activities proposed to occur between 8pm and 6am at the quarry need to be removed.
Incite resource management consultant Hannah Goslin said she has not been provided with enough information to show Fulton Hogan can reliably reduce the discharge of PM10 (a major air pollutant).
“At this time, I do not consider the applicant is able to comply with Regulation 17(1) of the National Standards for Air Quality,” she said.
Mr Stewart said it is going over the detail of expert opinions and will be addressing this in their evidence, ongoing conversations and at the hearing.