But people will need to be quick to book their spot to visit Kate Sheppard House on Clyde Rd.
Although entry will be free, bookings are essential as places are limited.
Casual visitors to the house on February 6 cannot be admitted.
The house is otherwise open Wednesdays to Sundays from 10am-4pm.
The historic property is part of a network of places around the country cared for by Heritage New Zealand.
Visitors will be able to explore the house where Sheppard led a campaign of national and international activism, planned strategies with leading feminists of the time, and pasted together the pages of the monster 31,872-signature women’s suffrage petition.
Visitors can also stroll through the garden where Sheppard received the telegram confirming that women had been granted the vote in September 1893.
- Bookings can be made here.