Famous and emerging artists' creations on show at Christchurch festival

A large crowd flocked to The Arts Centre in Christchurch at the weekend for the opening of the annual Sculpture Festival.

The festival runs until September 16 and will showcase work from a number well-known and emerging New Zealand artists.

Stone, metal and glass sculptures share the floor with other traditional artworks, including jewellery, ceramics and kinetic artworks.

An array of unique and inspiring artworks, curated by Koji Miyazaki, will be on sale at the...
An array of unique and inspiring artworks, curated by Koji Miyazaki, will be on sale at the festival. Photo: John Spurdle
Sculptors will give talks about their work and demonstrate their techniques.

Festival curator Koji Miyazaki said even more artists had come on board this year.

And as the festival grows in popularity, The Arts Centre is keen to explore new creative possibilities, he said.

The festival is open from 10am to 5pm every day. More details can be found here.

-By John Spurdle