'Depraved' Christchurch businessman appeals sentence, continues fight for name suppression

The Christchurch man was jailed for a litany of child sex offending. Photo: Getty Images
The Christchurch man was jailed for a litany of child sex offending. Photo: Getty Images
A Christchurch businessman jailed for a raft of child sex abuse charges, including repeatedly filming himself raping and abusing a young girl, will appeal his sentence.

And he continues to fight to keep his name suppressed.

Last month the man - described in court as "depraved" and a "monster" - was jailed for 17 years and ordered to serve more than seven years before he could seek parole.

In November the rapist pleaded guilty to 38 serious charges, including abusing the girl and possessing a cache of at least 180,000 images of baby and child exploitation and bestiality.

He was convicted of five charges of raping a child and 33 other charges, including multiple counts of unlawful sexual connection, of performing an indecent act on a child, representative charges of making and possessing objectionable publications and a final charge of unlawful sexual conduct with a child outside of New Zealand.

A representative charge means police believe a person has committed multiple offences of the same type in similar circumstances.

At sentencing in the Christchurch District Court Judge Raoul Neave said the offending had "the full gambit of indecencies".

"It's completely devastated a family - and he filmed it," he said.

He said the facts of the case were "distressing" and the offending was "highly planned and premeditated".

The "most disturbing feature" was that he "filmed all of it".

He said the abuse was "ghastly" and "the greatest breach of trust imaginable".

Judge Neave rejected the offender's application for permanent name suppression.

His lawyer Andrew McCormick then indicated that decision would be appealed - meaning the Herald could not publish the rapist's name.

It is understood the appeal against suppression - and Judge' Neave's sentence - will be heard in the High Court at Christchurch next month.

McCormick could not comment further.

The little girl's mother said the offending had caused her "no end of pain".

The girl's father said he was filled with rage and sadness when he learned of the "disgusting" abuse.

He said he was stuck in a "constant swing from anger to overwhelming sadness".

"How could anyone sexually assault, rape a small child - my child.

"She is so small, she was so young… She will always remember… we are forever changed and the full impact of this is yet to be felt."

He said the man was a reminder that "monsters do exist" and he was devastated his little girl had found that out at such a young age and in such a horrendous way.


If it's an emergency and you feel that you or someone else is at risk, call 111.​

If you've ever experienced sexual assault or abuse and need to talk to someone contact the Safe to Talk confidential crisis helpline on:

• Text 4334 and they will respond

• Email support@safetotalk.nz

• Visit https://safetotalk.nz/contact-us/ for an online chat

Alternatively contact your local police station - click here for a list.

If you have been abused, remember it's not your fault.

-By Anna Leask