Stallholders were left angry after being told in February the market’s hours could be reduced, which an anonymous stallholder said was due to damage caused by the public to grass areas and garden beds.
The reduction in hours did not go ahead after an angry response from stallholders and a complaint about the market breaching its resource consent was reviewed by the city council, The Press reported.
But the market’s hours have now been officially cut.
It will run from 9am to noon on Saturdays, instead of closing at 1pm – and the number of stalls permitted has been increased from 30 to 50.
Riccarton Bush trust manager Shona Willis told The Press the changes to the market meant it was now “complying” with its resource consent.
“There’s been a bit of creeping over the years. It’s time we did things well.
“The consent was always for them to close at 12pm and be cleared away by 1pm.”